Our Wellness Challenges

Simple and fun activity challenges that increase engagement and improve staff health.

Step Challenge

In the step challenge, individuals and teams compete to see who can take the most steps by walking a virtual route to see who can finish first.

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30 Minutes Challenge

Get your employees moving for at least 30 minutes every day by collecting points! The type of activity is less important. The important thing is that you do something.

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Let’s Move

Register activities, collect points and compete against other teams by completing health promotion assignments every day.

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Interested in a wellness challenge?

Reach out to us at hello@wellchallenge.io or enter your email:

Why use WellChallenge at your workplace?

WellChallenge includes many features that will make your wellness challenge a success, but still keep it simple so that everyone can take part and enjoy it.

Easy to use - for everyone

WellChallenge is designed so that everyone can participate and enjoy the challenge, regardless of exercise habits, use of the internet, computers and mobile phones. The challenge is simple and easy to use and does not take much time to take part.

Engagement is key!

Communicate using the chat inside the app. Maybe a picture of your morning walk could inspire your teammate to join tomorrow? Connect to Slack or Teams to get updates on the challenge. Push messages are sent for important moments, like if your team reach a milestone.

World-class support

With WellChallenge, you get your personal contact person who will help you out before, during and after the challenge. For participants, we answer all questions via email within 24h, but most often, much quicker.

Flexible to fit your workplace

Our three different wellness challenges offer a lot of flexibility and possibilities to fit your company with ease. Only steps? Max 60 minutes of activity per day? 10 extra bonus points if you read that new company policy? With WellChallenge, you can do that!

WellChallenge makes a difference

0 %
have exercised more than usual during the challenge
0 %
will continue to exercise more than before after the challenge
0 %
feel that the challenge had a positive impact on their health
0 %
think that the workplace has been positively affected
0 %
think that the workplace should organize more challenges
Answers collected from the survey which is available for all challenges.

Focus on physical, mental and social health

There are many aspects of our daily lives that affect health, not just physical fitness activities or a good diet. That’s why we want to encourage our participants to find those small changes that together can do so much for our health.

Use WellChallenge to inspire employees to try new small things that are easy to do in everyday life, take little time to complete, but still have a big impact, not only physically but also mentally and socially!

About WellChallenge

Our mission is to engage people and workplaces to increase everyday wellbeing.